About Us

Awami Lawyers Movement Pakistan (PALM) is a broad based movement of advancement of Law and justice in Pakistan. Lawyers wing of Pakistan Awami Tehreek; Awami Lawyers Movement Pakistan (PALM) is the Lawyers’ Wing of the Pakistan Awami Tehreek & Tehreek-e-Minhaj-ul-Qur’an, was established unanimously in the meeting of Federal Council of Pakistan Awami Tehreek held on February 20th of 1997. It was imperative for the Lawyers’ Wing to be erected for demands of Mustafavi reforms System and for the advancement and dissemination of its mission of Rule of LAW.

The Lawyers wing (PALM) of Pakistan Awami Tehreek came into being on 20th February, 1997. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri (LL.B, Ph.D, Ex-Professor of Punjab University Law College, Lahore) is its founder leader. The supremacy of Qur’an and Sunnah system of law, propagation of awareness, protection of human rights, rule of law, peace and prosperity in Pakistan and world, Accountability and the protection of lawyers rights are some of its significant goals. It aims at a legal and constitutional struggle against law breakers, exploitative and hypocritic forces so that a society based on social, economic, legal and political justice may be established that had been dreamt by Dr. Muhammad Iqbal and the Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. PALM is vigorously active for the progress, stability and prosperity of the nation and supremacy of law as without rule of law the dream of a real Islamic democratic and welfare state cannot be materialized.

The number of PALM’s membership has crossed the figure of 1,000 and it is increasing day by day. The central body of PALM comprises of 7 members. Anwaar Akhtar (advocate) is the Chief Organiser whereas Provincial, Divisional, District and Tehsil level organizations are being completed. The organizers have been nominated in two Provinces, Seven Division, 36 Districts and 66 Tehsils whereas the organizers have been nominated appointed in all courts of Lahore who are the special members of “Awami Legal Aid Cells”. They are very energetically active in solving the judicial and other legal problems of people. Moreover they provide free legal aid to the needy.

The lawyer members of PALM are in constant contact with the lawyers and office bearers. They arrange special lecture of senior advocates for young lawyers. Furthermore, they are going ahead in arranging lectures of senior advocates to give awareness of laws to common people.

PALM assists in legal proceeding in the concerned governmental and judicial institutions for human rights and common welfare. It arranges visits of lawyers to National Assembly, Provincial Assembly, Senate, Jail and Police stations. It arranges lectures and seminars of experts on national and international issues. More than 50 books of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri on law have been published and hundreds of his audio, video and cds lectures on law are available whereas more than 300 books, 1000 unpublished manuscripts and audio, video, cds cassettes on 5000 topics are available. The books and audio, video cassettes of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri on law are propagated in the Bar. Special sittings of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri with Bar Associations and intellectual’s circles are arranged. Beside, the intellectual forums of Judges, Lawyers and genius people are also arranged. These sittings systematically discuss the national and international affairs so that a final system may be evolved. People are given due legal help in High Courts, Supreme Court, Federal Shariat Court and other courts of the country. Press conferences are held and press releases are issued on legal, constitutional and national International system which help in the restoration and reformation of the system.

Beside, providing law books of Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri to the big Bar libraries, temporary stalls of books and cassettes of the author are also sold on discount. The PALM’s office bearers and lawyers too personally arrange video lectures of Dr. Qadri on law, science, economy and on contemporary affairs. Welcome parties are arranged for the new office holders. PALM invites important national personalities in the Central programmes of the Tahreek. Their visits to the Central Secretariat are arranged to introduce the Tahreek in the affective circles of the country. Lawyers are invited in the annual Aitikaf of the Tahreek that is the second biggest Aitikaf gathering after the Haramain Sharifain. The Lawyers, Judges and important personalities are invited on the 27th Ramadan gathering and Birth celebration of The Holy Prophet (PBUH).

PALM aims at initiating a free legal aid service that has been organized on national level. An internet legal guidance has also been initiated. A country wide organizational convention of PALM’s office holders are arranged. Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri has delivered numerous lectures on law in different seminars and gatherings in the universities of America, Australia, North Africa and Far East. He delivered lectures in Civil Services Academy, NEPA, Administration Staff Colleges, Jails and Colleges in Urdu, English and Arabic languages. He has served as a Professor in Law in the Punjab Law College.